• Malaysia
  • Malaysia

    Colorful Cultures and Sceneries

Malaysia is a religious country in Southeast Asia, with a long coastline and abundant natural beauty. The Malaysian population is predominantly Malay, Chinese and Indian, with Chinese accounting for about one-fifth of the population.

  • Kuala Lumpur
    Life is Vivid Here
    Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia, and the old town has many historic buildings from the British colonial period, including the Sultan Abdul Samad Building. The KLCC is the economic and entertainment center of Kuala Lumpur, with high-rise buildings such as the Petronas Twin Towers.
  • Malacca
    Colors in the Strait City
    Malacca (Melaka) is a historic seaside town guarding the Strait of Malacca, which sits on the maritime route between the Pacific and Indian Oceans and has been an important trading city since ancient times. After 1511, Malacca was once under the colonial rule of European powers such as Portugal, the Netherlands and Britain.
  • Penang
    Street Art and Street Food
    Penang, formerly known as Penang Pulau, is an island in the northwest of Malaysia. In the 18th-19th century, a large number of overseas Chinese from Fujian Province of China came to Penang in search of a new life.

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