
Hokkaido Jingu Shrine

Guardian of Hokkaido

Hokkaido Jingu Shrine is located near Sapporo Maruyama Park and dates from the Meiji period. The shrine is dedicated to Hokkaido's guardian deities and early explorers, and was spiritual support for the local people during the developing period of Hokkaido. The shrine is surrounded by greenery and attracts many wild animals.

Hokkaido Jingu Shrine 北海道神宮 was built in the early Meiji period, and in 1869 Emperor Meiji ordered that the three deities of the Hokkaido reclamation be enshrined. The three deities were brought to Hokkaido by sea from Tokyo and transported to Sapporo by Hokkaido Judge, Shima Yoshitake himself.

Hokkaido Jingu Shrine is located near Sapporo Maruyama Park, surrounded on three sides by mountains and Lush Greenery. Behind the entrance torii, there is a path of cherry blossom, which was planted in memory of Judge Shima Yoshitake. The Shinmon, the Sacred Gate at the end of the pathway is tied with a thick, heavy Shimenawa Rope 注連縄, which is believed to be a sacred device to repel evil, and through which the gate leads to the sacred domain.

The Shimenawa Rope Hanging on the Gate

The shrine is dedicated to Hokkaido's Guardian Deities and Early Explorers, who are known as the three deities of the Hokkaido reclamation 開拓三神: Okunitama, Okuninushi, and Sukunahikona. Emperor Meiji was added to the shrine in 1964, as the fourth kami enshrined here.

There are also several sub-shrines within Hokkaido Jingu Shrine, including Pioneering Shrine, Sapporo Mining Shrine and Hotaki Shrine, which are mostly dedicated to the pioneers of Hokkaido.

Attractions around Hokkaido Jingu Shrine


a cup of coffee

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