
Les Invalides

Monument of Military History of France

Located on the left bank of the Seine, Les Invalides de Paris was built by Louis XIV as a sanatorium for disabled French veterans, and in the 19th century the dome of Les Invalides was converted into the Tome of Napoleon I. At present, the Army Museum of France is also located here, with a collection of 500,000 artifacts.

Located on the left bank of the River Seine, Les Invalides de Paris (Hôtel national des Invalides, English: The National Residence of the Invalids) was a Soldiers' Sanatorium established in 1670 by Louis XIV, the Sun King, for the disabled and retired soldiers of France.

When you enter the gates of Les Invalides, the square in front of you is called Cour d'Honneur (Court of Honour), which is 100 meters long and 60 meters wide, and is the largest of the 17 courtyards of Les Invalides. The French leaders often met dignitaries here, or held ceremonial events such as retirements and funerals.

Artillery in the Court

The southernmost 107m Tall Golden Dome of Les Invalides was once a royal church built by King Louis XIV. In 19th century, the Tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte was moved into the church, it became a sacred place for the French people to commemorate Napoleon I. The Veteran’s Chapel, located next door, was built at the same time as the Chapel of the Dome. The Veteran's Chapel houses a hundred of flags seized from various armies.

Tomb Of Napoleon / Dome des Invalides

Tomb Of Napoleon / Dome des Invalides

Founder of An Empire

The Dome des Invalides, with its 107-meter-high golden dome, was converted into a mausoleum for Napoleon I in the 19th century, and several members of the Bonaparte family and French marshals such as Foch, Vauban, and Turenne are buried there.

Nearly half of the building’s space is occupied by the Army Museum (Musée de l'Armée), which established several major exhibition areas in chronological order, such as Armor and Weapons (13th-17th centuries), From Louis XIV to Napoleon III (1643-1870), the Two World Wars (1871-1945), etc. The Collections here include weapons, armor, uniforms, paintings, and modern weapons, Over 500,000 Items in Total.

Army Museum

Army Museum

Art of War and Art about War

The Musée de l'Armée is located at Les Invalides and is one of the most important military museums in the world. The museum is divided into separate galleries for ancient, modern, and contemporary military exhibitions, etc. The collections here include weapons, armor, uniforms, paintings, and modern weapons.

Les Invalides is also home to the Museum of Miniatures, the Museum of the Order of the Liberation, and many other Parisian military institutions. The south side of the compound is still a convalescent center for disabled veterans, just as Louis XIV’s original idea, the courtyard provides a safe haven for French officers and soldiers.

Attraction around Les Invalides


a cup of coffee

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