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National Monument Kuala Lumpur

War Heroes Never Fade

The National Monument of Malaysia is located in the northern part of Lake Gardens and consists of the Heroes Sculpture, the Cenotaph, the Colonnade, and the Fountain. The bronze sculpture of seven brave warriors commemorates Malaysia's national heroes who died in World War I, World War II, and the National Liberation War.

Located at the top of a hill in the northern part of Lake Gardens, the National Monument of Malaysia consists of the Heroes Sculpture, the Cenotaph, the Colonnade, and the Fountain.

The Heroes Sculpture is a bronze group sculpture of Seven Brave Warriors. They represent leadership, suffering, unity, vigilance, strength, courage, and sacrifice, all of which are indispensable qualities for national heroes. On the pedestal underneath the seven warriors, a tribute to the heroes is written.

Erected in 1966 to commemorate Malaysia’s national heroes who died in World War I, World War II, and the War of Liberation (Malayan Emergency), this Heroes Statue is said to be the tallest bronze freestanding sculpture grouping in the world. Every year on July 31 (Malaysian Warriors’ Day), a solemn commemorative ceremony is held here.

Passing through the Fountain and Colonnade behind the statue, in front of you appears the Cenotaph. The names of the deceased heroes and the dates of the three wars are engraved on the Cenotaph, so that their glorious deeds can be passed on to the next generation.

The ASEAN Sculpture Garden at the foot of the hill also houses several abstract sculptures, whose authors are from ASEAN countries.

Attractions around the National Monument of Malaysia


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